
Stable Releases - Release Candidates - Beta Releases - Alpha Releases - Latest Source - Patches - Archive

Please note, patches to existing releases of Mantra may be available on our patch site. Please check out our Project Map for the link.

Stable Releases

Stable releases of Mantra are releases that have gone through our various testing procedures, and passed without any major bugs being reported. Although they might have some nuances (which will be documented in the release notes), these releases should be stable enough for use in any environment you may wish to use them in.

Source code releases are available with the following links:







Pre-compiled binary releases are available with the following links:



Operating System




Windows NT/2000/XP




RedHat Linux 9.0


Release Candidates

Release candidates are created when the number of bugs from beta testing has started to wind down. These releases are 'almost production-ready', and should be safe for most environments. Once a release has hit the release candidate stage, only specifically approved bugs will be fixed.

Source code releases are available with the following links:







Beta Releases

Beta releases are created after all major features called for in this release have been added. Beta releases are expected to be buggy, and major code changes are still occuring on this code base (up to and including re-writing how a particular feature works). However no new major features will be added to the release from this point on. We encourage people to try our beta releases on their test systems, so we may find and fix as many bugs as possible before the release candidate stage.

Source code releases are available with the following links:








Alpha Releases

Alpha releases are released after major features planned for this release have been added. The code in alpha releases is not complete yet, and continually changing. Those that wish to give feedback on issues with the implementation of specific features, and wish to be intimately involved in the development (and even design) process, should use these releases.

Source code releases are available with the following links:







Latest Source

For those who like to live on the bleeding edge, we offer both weekly snapshots of our CVS archive, and public access to our CVS archive. Although we do have a rule that any code checked into CVS should at least be able to compile, this is not always the case. You should only use these releases if specifically asked to, or you wish to get involved in the future development of Mantra.

The weekly CVS snapshots are available at:

To access the CVS archive, you must get a CVS client. For clients such as WinCVS, you should set the authentication type to 'pserver', the username to 'anonymous', the CVS server to '', and the CVS root directory to '/home/cvs/mantra'. Please note you will have to log in (no password required) before you can check out our source.

For those using the command-line CVS client (unix or cygwin systems), you can use the following procedure to do the initial checkout:
$ cvs -d login
password: (enter)
$ cvs -d checkout mantra

And from then on, you can update your local source tree to have the latest source by going into the mantra directory created with the above checkout command, run:
$ cvs -d update

To make things simpler, you can set the CVSROOT environment variable to "", and not have to supply the -d parameter to cvs.



Often, third party developers submit patches for Mantra, which we then review (usually only by inspecting the source), and decide if we wish to apply it to the main mantra source. If we decide to apply it, it will appear in the next release (with the author credited, or course), however just because we did not apply a patch, does not mean it is not useful! For all patches that did not get approved for the main mantra source, we put them up on our patch site so that other mantra users may use them if they think the patch suits their needs.

Please note, we do not take ANY responsibility for the content or results of any patch contained on our patch site. We also offer no support for these patches (you will have to contact the patch author for that).

Third party patches to mantra are available at:


Obviously, only the latest series of releases are put onto this page. However, if for any reason you wish to obtain one of our historical releases of Mantra, we keep them online in our file archive.

The file archive for mantra is available at:
